The electronic information 资源 (常驻企业家们) at the College are to be used in a manner 支持学院的教育使命.  学院,由使命和 政策, encourages learning, reSearch, creativity, teaching and the free exchange 在开放和分享的氛围中,思想的力量.  eir是实现目标的重要工具 学院的使命宣言、战略计划和远程学习目标. 

The College has established measures for the protection, access, responsibility and eir的可接受使用.  这些电子资源旨在为学院提供支持 这些资源的任务和使用应与该任务一致.  一般来说, the same ethical conduct that applies to the use of all College facilities applies 使用电子媒体.  使用者必须尊重学校财产,体谅他人 for others, responsibility for action, and authorized and efficient use of College 资源.  用户不得使用任何不符合政策、目的的内容 或学院的目标.

  1. 授权账户
    • 用户name or password pairs or similar codes or code devices, such as copy cards, allow 用户对EIR的访问.  授权帐户仅供个人在校内使用 将由资讯支援服务部指派.
  2. 电子信息资源(常驻企业家们)
    • 常驻企业家们 are all College owned electronic hardware, software and associated data that support the following administrative information systems: desktop computing, library automation, multi-media, data, video and voice networks, electronic mail (E-mail), Internet access and service, modems, scanners, telephone systems, voice mail, copy machines, fax machines, electronic publications including video, CD ROMs, or any similar 基于电子的功能.
  3. 用户
    • 任何获授权在学院使用电子邮件的人士.

In order to make possible the widest use of 常驻企业家们 and related technologies, a set of 共享的理解和规则对所有用户都是必要的.  大体上是一样的 ethical conduct that applies to the use of all College facilities and equipment applies 使用eir.  这包括但不限于:用户必须表示尊重 for the College property, consideration of others, responsibility for actions, and 授权和有效地使用学院资源.  此外,eir的用户应该 对包括版权保护在内的适用法律有基本的了解.


  1. At all times, 常驻企业家们 must be used in compliance with international, federal, state and 当地的法律.
  2. eir必须通过上述授权账户使用. 用户不得分享 他们的授权账户. 用户不得使用学院电子邮件进行未经授权的访问 into other electronic information 资源 that are maintained either at the College 或在学院外. 试图通过计算机访问未经授权的机器 network, to decrypt encrypted materials, or to obtain privileges which the user is 未经授权(黑客)是禁止的. 如果用户有意或无意地使用他们的 password available to others, they may still be held accountable for any actions that 是否因他人使用其帐户而产生. 访问授权 will be canceled when either a student terminates enrollment; an employee separates from or changes job assignments outside the scope of the College or when unauthorized 或者出现不可接受的用法. 学院保留随时撤销使用的权利.
  3. 用户s should respect the privacy of other users by not inspecting, broadcasting or modifying 常驻企业家们 assigned to individuals without permission from the College or the 主题的用户.
  4. eir必须用于与学院相关的目的、研究和活动. 电脑 服务部门必须批准设备/软件的所有移动或更改. 使用 不被授权也不被支持用于商业目的. 私有的个人的 电脑是业主的责任,而不是学院的责任. 所有权和使用 of personal equipment on campus, does not exempt the user from compliance with the 政策.
  5. The College does not guarantee that messages, data or files on 常驻企业家们 are private or 安全. 学院自有eir的数据、信息和文件归学院所有 学院的财产. 学院有法律权利检查电子邮件 是发送校内还是校外的文件和数据. 因此,所有用户都被警告 information of a personal, confidential or privileged nature should not be communicated 由常驻企业家们.
  6. Mass electronic mailing or voice mails to the entire campus must have Dean or President 批准.
  7. 请用户注意:
    1. Information, messages and files on 常驻企业家们 are preserved through access controls and 数据分配;
    2. System capabilities may not be reestablished within a short time frame if loss or damage by accident, malfunction, breach of security, or natural disaster occurs, and
    3. 实际或企图破坏安全的行为可以被及时发现. 网络与环境影响评估 activity will be monitored for purposes of maintaining system performance and security.
  8. 大学拥有的eir通常不向公众开放. eir位于图书馆 and 威尼斯人娱乐城's web pages are 常驻企业家们 that are used by the public or for public communication. A user may not authorize public release of information, messages or data on College 未经学院许可而持有个人资料. 人们认识到,数据可能是 shared among users whose work can be done more effectively by knowledge of such information 和数据. 访问大学的数据是不允许使用以外的用户的官方 学院的职责和义务.
  9. No one shall block approved access or attempt to degrade performance of any EIR.
  10. To maintain a professional working and education environment consistent with the College's non-harassment 政策, access to certain material is blocked on some College owned 常驻企业家们. 用户被禁止发送或显示带有色情内容的信息或图片 reasonably vulgar, libelous, patently offensive, sexually explicit, or that intimidate, threaten, demean or harass individuals or groups, or that would otherwise bring discredit 到学院. 如果员工和用户收到信息、图片、 or suggestion, that is offensive, tell the originator that the material is unwelcome and offensive; ask that no more material be sent. 如果发起人继续,则提交 a complaint in writing to the Affirmative Action Officer or Dean of Student Services.
  11. No one shall knowingly introduce invasive computer software, such as viruses, on media 都是拿来给学院的.
  12. Students should report violations of this 政策 to the Dean of Student Services.
  1. 违反任何学院政策或国际、联邦、州或城市法律;
  2. Seek unauthorized access to another user's computer account or date; modify, inspect or broadcast another user's files or date without authorized permission from that 用户;
  3. 商业利润;
  4. Send or display to others materials that might be considered harassing, intimidating, 辱骂的或冒犯的;
  5. Attach material (or references to material) to software or documents viewable or used 他人可能认为是骚扰、恐吓、辱骂或冒犯的;
  6. 征求与学院无关的团体;
  7. 破坏网络或其他eir的功能.
  1. 使用 the 资源 only in ways which are consistent with the mission, policies, purposes and objectives of the College; and
  2. Indemnify and hold harmless the College, its employees and agents, from any claim, demand, liability, cause of action or suit for damages arising from a user's unacceptable use of 常驻企业家们, including, but not limited to, any loss of data stored on the Network.
Any action by a use that is determined to constitute an inappropriate or unacceptable use of the 常驻企业家们, as determined in the sole discretion of the College, may result in 纪律处分和/或丧失访问或使用电子档案的权利. 在 violation may have to reimburse the College for any losses, costs or damages, including 因不当使用常驻企业家们而产生的律师费.
学生应向学生服务主任报告违反常驻企业家们的情况. 工作人员 是否应向人力资源总监报告违反常驻企业家们的情况.





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儿童互联网保护法案,47美国.S.C. Sections 254 (h) and (l); 47 CFR Section 54.520 (2001).
Copyrights, Title 17, as amended, United States Code; 19 CFR Part 133 (2000).<溴 /&《威尼斯人娱乐城》.L. 第II编第2441条第107-110条.
